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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Hodinkee covers the watch industry. But it also sells watches. How does that work?

A: We have a whole team of independent editors whose job is to tell the best possible stories about the world of watches and the culture of time. We are often asked for recommendation about watches, so we created the Hodinkee Shop in 2012 to curate our favorite products, from books and accessories to vintage, modern and pre-owned watches.

Q: Does the editorial team ever cover watches carried in the Hodinkee Shop?

A: Sometimes, yeah. The watch market is vast. And if we ignored all the amazing brands carried by the Shop, we’d only be telling part of the story. But when we cover watches that are also carried by the Shop, we’ll always disclose this in the article.

Q: What is sponsored content?

A: Hodinkee sometimes produces articles in partnership with watch brands. The idea is to tell deeper, more interesting stories than a typical advertisement. These sponsored posts are always clearly marked "In Partnership" at the top of the story. They have to be, under FCC guidelines. So we don’t mess around.

Q: Do Hodinkee writers accept payment in exchange for editorial coverage?

A: No way. And we’ll never ask a brand to provide a free watch in exchange for a review. Watches provided for review purposes are returned at the end of the review period.

Q: How does Hodinkee decide which watches to cover?

A: We try to focus on watches we think will be of interest to Hodinkee readers. Above all, we want to tell cool stories and draw attention to thoughtful craftsmanship. Some watches might not be our favorite, but we still cover them because their existence is newsworthy for watch culture and watch collecting. The best watches are both cool and newsworthy.

Q: I see that Hodinkee rarely slams a watch. Why is that? Surely not every watch is great!

A: If you see it on our website, that means it’s worth talking about. We are honest in our assessment of whether a watch achieves what the makers set out to do–even if it’s not to our personal taste. If it falters by its own standard, we say so.

Q: How can I get in touch with you if there is a story idea I’d like to share?

A: Email us! We would love to hear from you and do our best to make sure every serious inquiry gets a response.